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                  Inauguration of DVB-T Head-END in Iran

After two years of hard work, finally the efforts of PSQ’s engineers with a support of Ericson Television Ltd. (formerly Tandbeg TV Ltd.) engineers have resulted in inauguration of the first DVB-T head-end in Iran.  “IRIB’s DVB-T head-end was inaugurated on 30th of October 2009 in the presence of IRIB’s senior management. This head-end is capable of providing 16 MPEG-4/(SD &HD) TV channels in and 48 Radio channels in AAC+ format. At this time, the system broadcasts in Tehran only. However, IRIB intends to expand its digital transponders to other provinces in order to give a nationwide coverage of the DVB-T head-end’s content.

The equipment which has been used in this system is as follows:

  •   ·IRT electronics distribution cards for input level,

  •   ·Evertz audio and video routers,

  •   ·Ericsson (TTV)  MPEG4 Encoders for  compression,

  •   ·Ericsson multiformat integrated receivers and decoders (IRD’s) for monitoring and output conversion.

It is important to note the salient role of this project in the development of Iran’s broadcasting technology, as the top IRIB officials called   the inauguration of this project, a watershed moment in the history of Iran’s broadcasting.  

This project was one of major challenge of our engineers and it involved more than two years of planning, design, integration, commissioning and training.

The next step will be the installation of a standby system. In terms of configuration and equipment, the standby system uses the very same solution and material. 



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